Get Rid of Spiders
Common spiders in the Pacific Northwest include Hobo Spiders, Wolf Spiders, Giant European House Spiders. Because Hobo Spiders can be dangerous to people and pets it is important to have your home treated, inside and out.
Remove Spider Webs
Spiders use their webs to catch prey. Spiders also use their webs for protection, shelter and to protect their egg sac. Removing spider webs is a critical step in getting rid of spiders from your home as it removes the egg sac and makes it difficult for spiders to reproduce.
Perimeter Spray
Perimeter spraying is important to establish a perimeter barrier to keep insects from coming back inside your home, which may be a food source for spiders.
Crack & Crevice Spray
Crack and Crevice spray is important to control spiders that may hide away underneath baseboards, inside walls, and other tight spaces.
Ongoing Protection
Getting rid of spiders is a process that demand expertise and patience. Many spiders are controlled within the first few months, it can take up to a year to completely reduce a large infestation. Regular perimeter sprays and crack & crevice sprays will continue to reduce the spider and insect populations in your home.
Contact us to schedule your free inspection (425) 742-8786.