Get Rid of Mites

Mites are tiny bugs that infest homes through different sources. Thousands of species exist and some can cause severe skin irritation and allergies, such as hay fever, asthma, and eczema, or transfer dangerous diseases.
Free Inspection
A trained inspector will identify the type and severity of the mites infestation. Once an infestation is identified, your inspector will provide you with a custom treatment plan to remove mites and return your home to a safe and sanitary condition.
Treatments for mites infestations included crack and crevice spraying, and removing the source.
Ongoing Protection
Getting rid of mites is a process that demands expertise and patience. While a significant number of mites are eliminated within the first few months, it can take up to a year to completely eliminate a large infestation. Regular treatments and removing the source will ensure total elimination of mites in your home and will keep them out, guaranteed!
Our Guarantee
If these steps are followed, we guarantee your home will be Mite free. If they find a way back into your home on our watch, we’ll get rid of them!
Contact us to schedule your free inspection (425) 742-8786.